I'm not sure how exactly to react to this article---it's all about the stuff we have to deal with every day as teachers. I don't think any teacher in rural Alaska would say that education is removed from Politics. All of us feel the stresses placed upon us by NCLB. This isn't new information---NCLB creates a lot of problmes with rural Alaskan districts. Schools that don't meet AYP are placed on a level system that supposedly determines whether a school is in "crisis." Schools in crisis are forced to spend time, and money on creating plans for improvement (which isn't a bad idea for all schools), and if they don't improve they are threatened to be taken over by the state (as if that will really happne--I doubt it). Honestly, I'm tired of hearing about NCLB, who knows maybe the next administration in the White House will do something about this flawed act. Until then we just have to do the best we can for our students. Local/District assesments help studnets to be more successful on state tests and can serve as indicators to areas a child might need additional support.
This post is really random, but it's because I have a headache from reading tiny font most likely. K, have a good evening class!!!!!!!!
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