I could easily connect with this article. I myself use myspace, and I do have several of my students (and other students from my town) as friends. However, I have never used myspace as an extension of my class. The way the teacher uses myspace in the article is very similar to how I use e-mail with my students. My particular setting lends itself very nicely to communication via cmc. All of my students e-mail me almost daily to either turn in assignments and ask clarifying questions etc. I am still amazed at the type of connection I am able to make with my students using the medium of e-mail. It seems like I get to know my students on a more personal level, than when I just communicate with them during class. Currently, our district blocks sites such as myspace, and facebook because of all the potential dangers, and the distraction factor. Yet, I am still convinced that by integrating more of these types of networks and technologies students will become more engaged, and hopefully more succesfull. I will definitely share this article with my technology director, who is often torn about the issue.
Garcia, A. (2008). Rethinking myspace, Rethinking Schools, 22, 27-29
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